1. Package Price: Negotiation
2. Land Size: 3 Katha/4.95 Sotansho
3. Building Info:
2 Unit Building Completed with 1800SFT (1100SFT +700SFT)
1 Unit 4 Stories Building Area 1100SFT (Approx): (3 Bed, 1 Drawing cum Dining, 2 Bath room,1 Kitchen, 1 Veranda)
1 Unit 2 Stories Building Area 700SFT (Approx): (2 Bed, 1 Drawing cum Dining, 2 Bath room, 1 Kitchen)
4. Construction Info: Brick wall and building completed before 1995
5. Road Information: 30 Feet Wide Road
6. Address: Uposhahar Housing Estate, Sector: 2, P.S: Boalia, P.O: Cantonment, Rajshahi-6202.
7. Details: 2 Unit Building Completed 1 Unit 4 Stories Building Area & 1 Unit 2 Stories Building Area
(2 Mango Tree and 5 Areca nut tree) available in front of Building.
8. Land place: VIP Area of Rajshahi City Corporation.
9. Land Search in Google: 24.3776904,88.5953406,88.5953406,3a,75y,298.81h,111.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s7fvik7W3zMlfhqJPanF3dA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656